# Developer Documentation ## Developer Documentation - [Getting Started](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/) - [AdGate Rewards Setup](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/adgate-rewards-monetization/untitled): This page describes how to setup your AdGate Rewards offer wall. - [Web Integration](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/adgate-rewards-monetization/web-integration): If you wish to integrate the offer wall on your website, this page describes the steps needed to do so. - [iOS SDK](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/adgate-rewards-monetization/ios-sdk): This page describes how to install the AdGate Media iOS SDK. - [Android SDK](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/adgate-rewards-monetization/android-sdk): This page describes how to install the AdGate Media iOS SDK. - [Unity SDK](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/adgate-rewards-monetization/unity-sdk): This page describes how to install the AdGate Media Unity SDK. - [Magic Receipts Standalone](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/adgate-rewards-monetization/magic-receipts-standalone): This page describes how to setup Magic Receipts as a standalone offering. - [Postback Information](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/postbacks/postback-information): This page describes how a postback works. - [Magic Receipts Postbacks](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/postbacks/magic-receipts-postbacks): This page describes how Magic Receipts postback works. - [PHP Postback Examples](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/postbacks/php-postback-examples): See some sample code for capturing postbacks on your server. - [User Based API (v1)](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/apis/user-based-api-v1) - [Get Offers](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/apis/user-based-api-v1/get-offers): Main API endpoint to fetch available offers for a particular user. Use this to display offers in your offer wall. - [Get Offers By Ids](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/apis/user-based-api-v1/get-offers-by-ids): Gets the available information for the provided offer IDs, including interaction history. - [Post Devices](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/apis/user-based-api-v1/post-devices): If a user owns a mobile device, call this endpoint to store the devices. If provided, desktop users will be able to see available mobile offers. - [Get History](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/apis/user-based-api-v1/get-history): API endpoint to fetch user history. It returns a list of all offers the user has interacted with, and how many points were earned for each one. - [Get Offer History - DEPRECATED](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/apis/user-based-api-v1/get-offer-history-deprecated): API endpoint to fetch historical details for a specific offer. Use it to get the status of each offer event. - [Offers API (v3)](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/apis/offers-api) - [Offers API (v2)](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/apis/offers-api-1) - [Publisher Reporting API](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/apis/publisher-reporting-api) - [Advertiser Reporting API](https://docs.adgatemedia.com/apis/advertiser-reporting-api)